Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Run to you...

I run my life
or is it running me
I run to fast
or too slow it seems
When lies become the truth
that's when I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster
into a new disaster so I run to you
I run to you baby
and when it all starts coming undone
baby you're the only one I run to
I run to you

I love this new song by Lady Antebellum. It is kinda like my new anthem lately. Somedays I really don't know if I'm running my life or if its running me. Things just get crazy sometimes, but I love my life and I love that I have Jon to run to. He really is such an amazing husband. Although we had been together for over 5 years by the time we got married there is sooo much that changes after you are actually married. So many good changes. He really is my rock and the one I run to when it really does start coming undone. I just love being married and really being a solid team with him.

Okay, enough sappy stuff...LOL!

I know it has been a while since my last entry. So here is the rundown:
-cousin graduated and turned 18 (WTH...I changed her diapers) I am so proud of her!
-Had a great Memorial Day weekend until...
-got sick on Memorial Day...missed work all week, was miserable
-Went to Janine's AWESOME 80's hair metal wedding
-had Swanson family get together at the pool to hang out with Doug and Melissa before they moved back to San Diego.
-Back to work-cleaned up mess left for me from being absent the previous week
-got hired to plan a party on New Year's Eve
-learned of another new potential client for DOC services
-quit CVS!!!!!!!!
-best friend got married (at the courthouse)

So, life has been hectic, but I like it that way! I would get bored if my plate wasn't full.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I love that song!! I sing it all the time...
    The other one that I really think applies to me and Josh right now is Brad Paisley's Little Moments. I know it's an oldie, but it's so appropriate. =)
