Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Miss (not) Independant

So, I have emarked on a new adventure in my life. As of last Friday the 12th I no longer have a car. Since I was able to drive I have had a car. So, this is just strange.

I have become a victim of this terrible economy like so many others and just could not afford the payments on my car so we made the decision to do a voluntary repo. Although there was a moment when I felt like a failure for not being able to pay, that is not the worst part. I hate the feeling of not being able to be independant. Now, anytime I need or want to go somewhere I have to depend on others (my mom and husband). They have been great about it and I am sooo lucky to have them to depend on. It's just ackward when I think "oh on Wednesday I can go here....no wait, can I get a ride there?"

1 comment:

  1. You can always get a ride from me if you need to be somewhere in the Oviedo area :) No worries!
