Monday, May 18, 2009

Family Week

Wow what a busy week we had last week! It all started last weekend when some of Jon's family came into town from CA for his cousin's graduation from Rollins! Congrats Melissa!! Well, my parents hosted a fish fry for all on Monday night. Then Jon's mom stayed with us Tuesday and Wednesday night before heading home on Thursday. I am such a lucky daughter-in-law...I absolutely adore my mother-in-law!!! She is so awesome. Jon and I actually had the pleasure of living with her for the two years we lived in San Diego and her and I get along great. Anyway, she helped us out soo much! She took me grocery shopping and filled up our kitchen cabinets and fridge! Such a huge relief.

Jon also started a new job, FINALLY!!! He is now working for my brother at Air America and so far it is going good. They were working on the Plaza Cinema in downtown Orlando hanging the big sign over the entrance. Unfortunately he had to work long hours and didn't get a lot of time with his mom, but we are planning on visiting her in CA in a few months.

Then on Friday we both took off work to go with my mom, stepdad, and Dennis down to Winter Haven. My great Uncle Willard was diagnosed with Liver Cancer and is not expected to live much longer. So, we went for what will probably be the last visit, but also the only time Jon would get to meet him. Well, the two of them hit it off right away and Uncle Willard gave Jon two pairs of his cowboy boots. Jon and I were both really honored. Willard just loved my cowboy husband. It was really nice to see him too. I think the last time I saw him I was probably 10 or 11. He is such a great man and he will be missed.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

new blogger...

Well, I have decided to take the plunge into the blogging world!! So, here we go...

My husband, Jon, and I got married in January and we are living the newlywed life. Really, not a lot has changed due to the fact that we have been together for five years and lived together for probably about 3 of those 5 years. I think the biggest change for us is financially. Learning to work together as a team financially has been a new experience for us, but we are both learning and working on it daily! Of course I don't think it helps that like many newlyweds, we are freakin dirt poor!! UGH! But we have each other and our dogs and we are happy!!

I have also decided to throw myself into the entrepeneur world and start my own wedding planning business, Simply Splendid Celebrations (386-383-4845)...that is so exciting! At the moment I have a few events lined up that I am doing for friends and family and looking forward to them and being able to use them to start building a portfolio. So, if you know anyone that needs day of coordination, or full on planning for any event please make sure to tell them about me!

Well, I guess I will wrap up my first entry for now. Thanks for checking my blog out and I look forward to writing more. :)